Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Awesomely Orange!

I just stumbled upon How About Orange's blog and LOVE it! I have definitely found some fun ideas to try. My favorite by far it the Jello filled orange wedges. I always want to make jello shots to bring to a party, but have a hard time finding good containers to put them in. This idea is much cuter anyways!
The recipe and instructions are on Food Network.


GAME2P.COM said...

haha~nice blog, keep the good work for it

Tamara said...

I remember these from pre-school. Haven't seen them in years.

I think I might use them for a dinner party dessert on Wed.

Nice blog.

bunny said...

SO smart! I love that foodnetwork was making jello shots. I don't know why, but I find it really funny.

zakkalife said...

I saw this on NOT MARTHA and have been wanting to give it a try, thanks for reminding me about this.